Peritoneal Dialysis--Creating Awareness by Reinforcing Education (PD CARE)

Accessibility to life-saving kidney dialysis treatment is very limited in Uganda and the use of peritoneal dialysis (PD) could help alleviate some of the financial burden associated with receiving dialysis treatment. PD CARE aims to educate patients and their families on what peritoneal dialysis is and why the patient needs the treatment, as well as train them on how to clean and monitor the patient's catheter to prevent peritonitis. By empowering and educating patients, this project aims to reduce some of the financial and cultural barriers associated with peritoneal dialysis in order to make dialysis treatment more accessible for patients.

Elizabeth Butler
College of Biological Sciences

Abigail Saunders
College of Biological Sciences

Benjamin Szot
College of Science and Engineering

Sahra Mohamed
College of Liberal Arts

Abigail Saunders
College of Biological Sciences