Aaron Hanson

Energy Program Specialist

Building on prior experience in residential construction, and real estate finance and sales, Aaron focused his undergraduate studies on the business of sustainability and the implications energy efficiency has on the advancement of a clean energy economy. More specifically, given his background with houses, he took a deep dive into residential energy efficiency and the systems based approach to sustainable buildings. He then completed an interdisciplinary Master’s in the field of Science, Technology, & Environmental Policy, with a Minor in Law. During graduate school he worked as a Research Assistant on projects for Sustainable Healthy Cities which further developed his understanding of systems. For the Institute on the Environment, Aaron coordinates research projects for the Energy Transition Lab, teaches Sustainable Housing - Community, Environment, and Technology for the Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management program, as well as working with several of the Institute on the Environment’s education programs.

Course(s) taught

GCC 3043/5043

Aaron Hanson