
The Grand Challenge Curriculum launched in Fall 2015 in support of the University of Minnesota strategic plan.

Grand Challenge courses are multidisciplinary in nature and connect directly to MNtersections, “work inspired by Minnesota to improve people and places at world-class levels,” articulated in MPact 2025.

The Grand Challenge Curriculum (GCC) addresses important societal challenges through a solution-driven multidisciplinary approach to learning. GCC courses are co-taught by instructors who bring unique perspectives to each Grand Challenge being explored. Each course focuses on a particular issue while also developing a foundational set of knowledge, skills, and values that can be applied across a range of potential Grand Challenge topics.

GCC course offerings are developed on an ongoing basis by University of Minnesota faculty to engage students in complex global challenges. There are now over 30 courses in the curriculum covering topics such as global health issues, food supply, climate change, inequity in education, and sustainability.

Common Goals of Grand Challenge Curriculum Courses (PDF)