Phyllis Moen

Professor in the Department of Sociology

Phyllis Moen is a sociologist and life course scholar, which means that she is interested in time. Specifically, what are the patterned ways jobs, retirement, civic engagement, families, and lives play out over the life course?

As part of the National Institutes of Health Network on Work, Families and Health, Moen and colleagues are investigating the family and well-being impacts of changing the way jobs are organized so as to offer employees greater control and flexibility over the time and timing of their work. Moen is also engaged in other research, focusing on the changing nature of careers, the experiences of dual-earner couples, and the plans and transitions of Boomers as they move toward and into retirement.

Her latest (2016) book is Encore Adulthood:  Boomers on the Edge of Risk, Renewal, and Purpose.

Course(s) taught

GCC 1901 & GCC 3014/5014

Phyllis Moen Photo